What is Kindness Week at River Birch Elementary? At the Roundtable this week you'll hear from Ms. Kopke, Mrs. Prewitt, Mr. Coppadge, and Mrs. Perkins as they share their thoughts about kindness and why it is important in our school. Connecting to our previous episode, kindness is essential to an inclusive, caring, and safe learning environment.
In this episode, we'll share more about the following:
To learn more about the content shared in this episode, click the links below:
Teaching Young Kids to Be Kind is Important
Contact Information for episode guests:
Mrs. Heather Gorgas, Principal - HMGorgas@avon-schools.org
Ms. Kyle Kopke, Counselor - KEKopke@avon-schools.org
Mrs. Kristin Prewitt, Kindergarten Teacher - KMPrewitt@avon-schools.org
Mr. Bobby Coppadge, 4th Grade Teacher - RACoppadge@avon-schools.org
Mrs. Jessica Perkins, Social Worker - JLPerkins@avon-schools.org